Notes from Oct. 7 SCNA board meeting

Is it necessary under SCNA bylaws to have candidates for each spot on the 23-seat board? If so, that would involve seeking candidates for seven or eight vacant positions for the election of board members at the annual membership meeting on Dec. 2.

At the Oct. 7 meeting, the board discussed an alternative interpretation of the bylaws – that the board could have up to 23 members. However, the bylaws require the Nominating Committee to present a list of nominees for each vacant position.

The consensus view is that until changes to the bylaws are made, if the maximum number of board members is 23, that’s the target. Picking a number less than 23 would simply be arbitrary.


Treasurer John Bailey said the second-quarter budget is similar though leaner than the first-quarter budget, averaging an $18,000 deficit per month during the second quarter.

There were 16 votes to approve the budget.


Roof repairs have begun at the Sierra 2 Center and have been completed in the section over the office area.

Security issues regarding homeless people in the exterior porch of the 24th Street Theatre have been resolved.

The moratorium on expelling late or non-paying tenants will expire on Oct. 28. SCNA continues to work with Great Beginnings childcare. The Italian Cultural Society debt is still outstanding.

Neighborhood Concerns

John Mathews said the city’s meeting with the property owner whose fence height is in question has not yet occurred. John asked the city for information on the catch basin at Crocker Village. Large pipes are going in.

Dan Pskowski discussed the difference between city easements and rights-of-way. Each subdivision has its own type of restrictions.


Bruce Pierini said there are three strong candidates for election to the board at the annual membership meeting. Bruce requested that board members send him the names and contact information of any additional candidates. Board President Bill Hoover and one member of the Nominations Committee will meet with prospective candidates.


Participating in the Oct. 7 meeting via Zoom were SCNA President Bill Hoover and board members John Bailey, Kathy Les, Andrea Rosen, Bruce Pierini, Martin Pierucci, Erik Fay, John Mathews, Dan Pskowski, Gerre Buehler, Dan Murphy, Nury Enciso, Susan French, Bill French, Kimberly Bond and Mike McKeever. Also present were Sierra 2 Executive Director Terri Shettle and neighbor Kathleen Ave.

The next SCNA board meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 4 on Zoom. Contact board Secretary Bruce Pierini at [email protected] for a link to the meeting.

– Bruce Pierini, board secretary

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