Street Resurfacing

The City of Sacramento annual Street Resurfacing Program provides various maintenance treatments on our City streets. This year, Curtis Park will receive what is called a cape seal. A cape seal is a two layer resurfacing product, where a chip seal is placed followed by a slurry seal. The first layer, chip seal, is placed by first covering the street with an asphalt emulsion followed by spreading and rolling rock into the emulsion. The second layer, slurry seal, is a blend of emulsion and fine rock that will give the road a smooth, finished surface.

When will this happen?

The resurfacing work is scheduled during the month of June. Residents will receive a door hanger notification with the exact date of resurfacing on their street a minimum of 3 days before the work happens. If for some reason the work does not happen on the specified date, residents will receive another 3-day notice prior to the rescheduled work.

Download PDFs of Schedules:  Slurry Schedule   |   Chip Schedule

What are the impacts?

There will be road closures and vehicles will not be able to park on the streets during the work. Work hours will be 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, so residents are asked to move their cars before 8:30 am or relocate them to a nearby street that is not being resurfaced. The resurfacing work and road closures are scheduled in a manner where there are streets adjacent to road closures open for street parking, so residents don’t need to park too far away from their homes. Vehicles may remain in driveways if they are not needed that day.

Chip Seal impacts:

Road closures for the chip seal are much shorter than of the slurry seal. While we say the work hours are 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, the work is moving around to different streets. So the closure of each individual street may only take one hour, and vehicles are able to drive on the chip seal immediately after it is placed. However, there will be loose rock on the street that will be continually swept for the next week or two. Most of the loose rock will be cleaned up by the end of the shift, however some rock will come loose in the subsequent days and will be maintained by the contractor.

A common problem during this time is loose rock in the gutters and sometimes gets tracked into driveways. We also ask for no parking the day after the chip seal for sweeping. The chip seal has a rough surface and it will look like a gravel road. The slurry seal can not be placed on top of the chip seal until a minimum of 7 days, but no longer than 14 days, to give the chip seal time to cure and shed the loose rock.

Slurry Seal impacts:

Road closures and parking restrictions will also occur for the slurry seal. However, the slurry seal needs around two hours to dry before vehicles are allowed on it. There will also be some loose, much finer rock in the following days and will be continually swept.

Where do you go for questions?

The City has a resurfacing hotline set up for any questions or concerns. That number is 916-808-7027. The hotline receives many phone calls, and all calls will be returned if not answered.



  • Mon-Thur 8am-10pm
  • Fri-Sat 8am-11pm
  • Sun 9am-7pm (Mar-Sept)
  • Sun 9am-5pm (Oct-Feb)

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