The Curtis Park Village Community Association held its quarterly meeting Feb. 12 in a model home on Crocker Drive. More than two dozen residents attended.

In attendance were Mike Paris and Dan Murphey, president and vice president of BlackPine Communities, and Stacy Longley of the property management company for CPVCA.

CPVCA President Louis Lane led the meeting through agenda topics such as the proposed 65-foot shopping center sign, speed and traffic calming in the alley behind the homes that have been built, parking in the alley, and lighting in the parking area. The discussion involved options such as installing arm gates at points of entry to the alley, speed humps and increased signage.

Residents expressed support for the 65-foot shopping center sign and its proposed location. Many said the sign is needed for the success of the shopping center and the entire development.

Paris said permits have been obtained for BlackPine to build on all vacant lots in the development in 2019. The development will have three new areas, with homes in two areas similar to the cottages on 24th Street and the existing Estate homes, but without a rear alley.

BlackPine plans to begin selling the homes in June. Home designs have not been released pending a final planning report, but within a month should be posted on the BlackPine Communities website.

The BlackPine officers said the higher grade in the unbuilt area was a mistake and will come down. The grade will be balanced for the whole area for drainage.

The shape of the water detention basin will be adjusted and function when dry as a passive recreation area.

A dog park and a children’s playground are being planned.

The developer has set aside the oblong lot at Donner Way and Crocker Drive for a special project.

SCNA President Andi Liebenbaum spoke about the history of SCNA and the need for SCNA to reach out in a meaningful way to Crocker Village residents. She invited residents to attend SCNA board meetings and urged them to consider serving on the SCNA board.

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