Reported crime in the neighborhood in the third quarter of 2020, typically the highest crime period of the year, was down more than 30% from the same period of 2019, according to Sacramento police data.

Curtis Park residents reported 52 crimes in July, August and September – three robberies, four assaults, six burglaries, 12 thefts, eight vehicle burglaries, six drug-related crimes, five stolen vehicles and 12 acts of vandalism. All of the categories had more incidents than in the second quarter except stolen vehicles and vandalism.

One of the assaults was a shooting the evening of Sept. 6 near Fourth Avenue and Franklin Boulevard. Police reported that officers responded to a report of shots fired and located a woman who had been shot multiple times.

The victim was transported to UC Davis Medical Center with injuries that were not considered life-threatening. It was not known if the victim knew the shooter or what prompted the shooting, KCRA-TV reported. No arrest was reported.

Vandalism, the most reported crime in the neighborhood in the third quarter, was not limited to any one street or part of the neighborhood.

More than 10 of the reported crimes were in the area north of Second Avenue between 27th Street and Franklin Boulevard. The northwest and southeast quadrants of the neighborhood had few crime reports. A theft was the only crime reported in William Curtis Park.

The Sacramento Police Department encourages residents to report all crimes. Call 911 if you see a crime in progress. Call the non-emergency number, 916 808-5471, to report other criminal activity as soon as possible.

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