Homeless issues continue to be a topic of frequent posts on NextDoor.com. Many focused on planning for the shelter proposed by Councilmember Jay Schenirer near Alhambra Boulevard and Broadway.

This location has not yet been approved by City Council, pending further state funding. A preliminary site analysis of the site has begun.

Sacramento City College has approved allowing homeless City College students to sleep in their cars on campus and to use nearby unlocked shower and bathroom facilities on campus 24 hours a day. There is pending state legislation (AB 302) to enact such accommodations into law for community colleges statewide. A student needs to be in good standing, currently enrolled, with all fees paid to qualify.

Summer camps

A neighbor posted a query for information about summer camps for kids. About 35 responses were received with many camps recommended. Camp Sacramento, the YMCA, Sac State Aquatics Center at Lake Natoma and Soil Born Farms were each mentioned at least twice.

A new parent resource for summer camps was started in March called www.simplesummers.com. It contains more than 700 camps with selections by the child’s age, interests, price and dates. It is free to use.

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