Bret Harte is proud to announce the return of its Parent Teacher Association. On Oct. 16, the Bret Harte Elementary Bears PTA was chartered and officially became a part of the State and National PTA family. The organization is directed by the PTA executive board composed of four officials: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. The unit has already reached its first goal with 50 members and hopes to reach 100 percent membership in every class with each student represented, including teacher and staff.

The new unit plans to work closely with Principal James Tucker and teachers to enhance student services and provide a forum to discuss various issues of concern to families. Additionally, the PTA will organize fundraising efforts to support various activities, such as field trips, family engagement and special events.

The PTA also plans to support the school’s garden council and to bringing back events such as literacy night, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) night and math night.

The first association meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 13 in the parent resource room.

The PTA is inviting neighbors to become a member. This is a great opportunity for Bret Harte alumni to reconnect and support their local school. Anyone can join the PTA — grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors. Joining and supporting your local PTA helps Bret Harte become a better school for our community and children.

Additionally, all are welcome to attend the general association meetings that will be held on the second Monday of the month. These meetings outline what the PTA has planned for the school year. Participation is appreciated for those who can volunteer.

The cost of annual membership is $10 per family. For more information, contact the PTA President Daniel Savala, a parent, at [email protected] or the Bret Harte office at 277-6261.

—By Adriana Gonzalez, Viewpoint staff writer

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