Coby and Matthew Turner, fiveyear residents of Curtis Park, welcomed a new baby into their household March 30. Her name is Evelien and she joins Mom, Dad, big brother Harrison, who is 2 ½, and Ginger, a 10-year-old lab/beagle mix Coby describes as their “first baby.”
Coby says, “Evelien is a very happy baby who is rolling across the room and trying to sit up on her own. Evie also just went on her first hike.”
Coby grew up in Tracy, Matthew in Rocklin. They met at UC Santa Barbara.
Coby is an attorney with Seyfarth Shaw. Matthew is a Realtor with Lyon Realty.
They fell in love with Sacramento five years ago after eating at Bacon & Butter. They searched for homes to buy and moved to Marshall Way.
Coby said they appreciate the food and beer scene in the neighborhood, with Track 7 a particular favorite. They love Curtis Park and can frequently be found enjoying the outdoors with the whole family.
By Ariel Calvert Viewpoint Staff