Neighbors go to alternatives to celebrate the holidays
The virus has upended holiday traditions. Grandmas and grandpas are missing out on family gatherings. What to do? A sample of neighbors and businesses suggests they anticipate creating joy in
The virus has upended holiday traditions. Grandmas and grandpas are missing out on family gatherings. What to do? A sample of neighbors and businesses suggests they anticipate creating joy in
President-Elect Joe Biden received overwhelming support from Curtis Park voters in the general election, even by California standards. Biden received 85.6% of the neighborhood vote, President Trump 11.8%, and minor-party
It takes creative thought to figure out how to stay in business when no one can come inside and cozy up to pub food and a beer or to a
Reported crime in the neighborhood in the third quarter of 2020, typically the highest crime period of the year, was down more than 30% from the same period of 2019,
Last month, I witnessed a brazen thief grab my bicycle from my Fifth Avenue backyard, run past me and ride off. Those are the scary and sad parts of this
With so many giant pharmacies in the area, why would a pharmacist go independent? Sonya Frausto explains. She is the owner and pharmacist at Ten Acres Pharmacy, which opened in
Curtis Park residents will have options in how they vote in the general election – by mail, by drop box or in person at authorized Vote Centers, including the Sierra
By Erik Fay and Susan MacCulloch “Pivot” is often used to describe adaptation during our “new normal.” Two local fitness studios that opened for business earlier this year initially held
By Patti Roberts Neighbors gather at the north end of Curtis Park on Monday mornings,social distancing while following the lead of martial arts instructor Tav Byerhoff as he conducts a
Kevin and Monica Flanagan moved to 10th Avenue in May from their Oak Park home of nine years. Kevin, originally from Salinas, sells German manufacturing equipment. Sacramento native Monica is
Monday through Friday 9AM-5PM
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