Why do you craft/make? How did you learn?
I design and create things because it is who I am. I couldn’t stop if I tried. Some people are just wired that way. I am completely self taught. My curiosity and creative nature keeps me learning and experimenting with new materials and techniques all of the time.
What is your favorite product or piece you’ve made lately?
My new succulent propogating pots are currently my favorite product.
What sorts of things are inspiring you right now? Where do you look for inspiration?
Nature and Japanese design
Are you bringing/selling anything special at the craft fair?
I will be bringing some fun nature inspired Holiday ornaments to the craft fair.
Favorite holiday cookie?
Favorite holiday song?
Father Christmas by the Kinks
All I want for Christmas is…?
For people to be good to one another
Joe teaches classes at The Learnery at Sierra 2. Check them out.
Please join us on Saturday, December 9th from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in Curtis Hall at Sierra 2 Center for our Holiday Craft Fair!
A favorite among neighbors, the Holiday Craft Fair isn’t one to miss! Join us for another wonderful shopping experience that supports 20 local artisans, makers, and crafters, as well as the Sierra 2 Senior Center. Admission is free!