Why do you craft/make? How did you learn?

I learned from my mother, who always turned to plants first, to “fix” our problems. When I had children of my own, I became hyper aware of what we put on and in our bodies. I set out to make safe, simple, plant-based versions of the products we use everyday, and that is where Indigo Herbarium was born!


What is your favorite product or piece you’ve made lately?

I am beyond excited about my new soy wax candles. They are embedded with locally-mined crystals, homegrown herbs, and infused with my signature blend of essential oils.

What sorts of things are inspiring you right now? Where do you look for inspiration?

I work at the farmer’s markets each weekend in Sacramento, so I am always discovering new herbs & roots that come in and out of season, and they are always challenging me to play and create with them!

Are you bringing/selling anything special at the craft fair?

I will be bringing my well-loved “sensory dough”, which is a soft, natural salt-based play dough infused with 5 different essential oil scents. I only sell it during the holidays and special occasions!


The holidays put me in the mood to….

Hunker down at home with my husband and kids.

Favorite holiday movie?

Nightmare Before Christmas

All I want for Christmas is…?

A bunch of elves to visit and make all of my products for me!


Skip The Massive Craft Fairs– Shop High Quality Handmade Gifts & Goods for the Holidays at Sierra 2 Center

Creative, thoughtful, hand-crafted gifts without breaking the bank, getting trampled by crowds, or filling the landfills with packaging waste.

Saturday, December 8th
12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
on the South End of the Sierra 2 Center (Curtis Hall & Room 10)
Admission & Parking: free!


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