Curtis Park Village Update Meeting
April 24, 7:00pm
Sierra 2 Center, 2791 24th St, Sacramento, CA 95818
Representatives from Petrovich Development will be presenting their latest proposed changes to the Curtis Park Village at the next meeting of the Neighborhood Concerns Committee on April 24 at 7:00 pm at Sierra 2 Center in Room 10. The number of changes is much smaller than the last round, but the changes are more substantive.
Petrovich Development will give more details at the meeting, but the general outline is that they are proposing to move the Senior Housing and Multifamily into what is commonly known as the Flex Zone, while what is currently zoned and planned as Multifamily would be rezoned and planned as single family homes. 
The end result would be that everything north of the Flex Zone would be single family homes. The Flex Zone would be Senior and Multifamily.
If you would like to see and hear the details of these proposed changes, please join us in Room 10 on April 24th.  There will also be the opportunity to ask questions and offer constructive feedback. These changes are tentatively slated to go to the Planning Commission in August, so there is time for multiple rounds of feedback; no votes will be taken, or decisions made, at this meeting.
Eric Johnson
SCNA Board President
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