With the Salvation Army Angel Tree project, staff at the Sierra 2 Center makes the neighborhood’s natural generosity easy to express.

For the fourth year, the Sierra 2 Center staff has volunteered to host a tree in the center’s lobby with giftwish tags.

Neighbors will find 100 tags on Sierra 2’s holiday tree. Each tag represents a wish from a child selected by the Salvation Army, and includes the child’s clothing and shoe sizes, as well as a few gift ideas. Each child has a unique tag number; siblings are all included under the same number with different letters. For example, Ariana and Alex would be numbered 501A and 501B.

Once you select a tag or two, you register your “angel” by signing up on the nearby log sheet. You list the child’s name, his or her tag number, as well as your name and contact information. After you go shopping, you return the unwrapped gifts to the Sierra 2 office with the bottom section of the tag. You may keep the top section to use as a tree ornament.

Some neighbors bring their kids or grandkids so that each child can choose their angel and shop for one special person. It encourages the giving spirit.

The Sierra 2 staff then collects and bags the gifts with the tag and stores them until the Salvation Army comes to pick all of the gifts up in time to be distributed at Cal Expo on Dec. 20. Gifts this year are due at Sierra 2 by Friday, Dec. 14.

Last year, the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program assisted more than 6,300 families and 15,000 children in our community, providing gifts and toys during the holiday season. The need is expected to be even greater this holiday season.

For any questions, please contact Rose in the Sierra 2 Center office: 916 452-3005 or rose@sierra2.org.



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