Meet Kris and Dave Backus of Portola Way.

During Labor Day weekend 1997, when Kris and Dave moved from Rocklin to Curtis Park, their next-door neighbor Judy Harper immediately invited “everyone on the block over for a welcome brunch.” And the neighbors have been socializing ever since. They still get together at least twice a year for block parties and regular themed wine tastings, which have moved to Zoom during the pandemic. But the neighbors continue to check on each other and remain connected.
Kris and Dave were drawn initially drawn to Curtis Park’s proximity to downtown, its tree-lined streets, and its vintage homes, including their home built in 1925. “It had been recently renovated, but the owner retained the older home charm: from the completely landscaped backyard to the lovely mahogany entertainment center built under the stairs to the Italian marble fireplace – and then a wine cellar in the basement,” Kris says.
The couple has been active in the Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association, including offering their home for the Home Tour. They may be best known for their work with the Dogxillary and their walks with their beloved dog, Fudge, who passed away on July 2 at the age of 16. (Fudge and Kris were featured on the cover of the December 2012 edition of Viewpoint after he won his first of two national agility championships.)
Next time you see Kris and Dave, say “hello.”
“Meet the Neighbors” is a new feature of Curtis Park News. We’d like to feature you and your neighbors! Please email [email protected] to be featured.