Meet Linda and John Elgart, who moved to Portola Way 23 years ago.

Linda and John Elgart
Photo by Joan Cusick

“We found our house riding bikes up and down the streets,” Linda says. As sales reps for the cycling industry, they wanted a location central to Northern California to sell custom apparel for teams and events. “We looked in Land Park and Curtis Park, and our house was empty with a For Sale sign. We peered in the window and saw wood floors and built-ins and liked the look. Once we were more sure, we sat on the porch one evening to see what the neighborhood scene was like at night.”

The couple was drawn to a walkable — and bikeable — neighborhood with vintage homes and friendly neighbors. “In normal times we have annual events like a Fourth of July block party and a Christmas potluck,” Linda says. “We have a block email list where we can contact others to ask for or give airport rides, borrow tools or go shopping for each other.”

Linda and John have been active in the Sierra Curtis Neighborhood Association and love local events such as Music in the Park, the home tour and wine tasting. They originated Sacramento Cyclocross and promoted it for the first eight of its 21 years. Their two grown sons live in Portland with their families.

Next time you see Linda and John, say “hello.” In the meantime, give them a shout-out in the comments below!

“Meet the Neighbors” is a new feature of Curtis Park News. We’d like to feature YOU! Please  email [email protected] to be featured.

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