Free Movies in the Park
AUG 25: Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Curtis Park at 3349 W Curtis Dr.
AUG 26: Trolls
Belle Cooledge Park at 5900 S Land Park Dr.
SEPT 8: Lego Batman Movie
Colonial Heights Park at 5315 19th Ave.
SEPT 9: Lego Batman Movie
Hollywood Park Elementary at4915 Harte Way.
SEPT 15: Moana
McClatchy Park at 3500 5th Ave.
SEPT 16: Moana
Lawrence Park at 5130 McGlashan St.
Food Trucks every 2nd Friday of the Month
Councilmember Jay Schenirer, The South Land Park Neighborhood Association and SactoMoFo present: Belle Cooledge Park Food Truck Mania! Join us on the 2ND FRIDAY of every month from 5-8pm at Belle Cooledge Park for an afternoon of FOOD, MUSIC and FAMILY FUN! Enjoy a delectable selection of the best gourmet food trucks from all around Northern California, as well as music and family friendly entertainment throughout the event!
Participating Food Trucks:
Chando’s Tacos – Mexican
Cichy Co – American
Cowtown Creamery – Dessert
Drewski’s – American
Hefty Gyros – Middle Eastern
The Sweet Spot – Dessert
Featured photo by GoToVan